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Snapchat AI turns prompts into new lens

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1. Snapchat AI turns prompts into new lens


Snapchat has unveiled an on-device AI model that can transform a user's surroundings with AR. The model allows creators to create custom lenses based on text prompts, potentially allowing users to create wild looks to share with friends.

The Lens Studio update also includes new face effects, Immersive ML, and other AI tools for creating 3D assets, face masks, textures, and character heads that mimic a user's expression. Users will see lenses using this model in the coming months.

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2. Adobe Says It Won’t Train AI Using Artists’ Work. Creatives Aren’t Convinced

Adobe's new terms of service in February caused a stir among users, who believed the company was forcing users to grant unlimited access to their work for training its generative AI, Firefly. Adobe later clarified that the updated terms do not give the company content ownership and will never use user content to train Firefly.

However, the ambiguous language used in the previous update shed light on a climate of skepticism among artists, many of whom overrely on Adobe for their work. Adobe's chief strategy officer, Scott Belsky, clarified that machine learning refers to the company's non-generative AI tools. The misunderstanding triggered a bigger discussion about the company's market monopoly and how a change like this could threaten the livelihoods of artists at any point.

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3. Meet DeepSeek-Coder-V2 by DeepSeek AI: The First Open-Source AI Model to Surpass GPT4-Turbo in Coding and Math

Code intelligence is a field that uses natural language processing and software engineering to improve programming efficiency and accuracy. Open-source models like StarCoder, CodeLlama, and DeepSeek-Coder have shown progress, but a performance gap exists between them and closed-source models.

DeepSeek-Coder-V2, an open-source code language model, aims to bridge this gap by employing a Mixture-of-Experts framework and employing 16 billion and 236 billion parameters. The model comes in four variants, each optimized for specific use cases and performance needs.

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4. London premiere of movie with AI-generated script cancelled after backlash

A cinema in London has cancelled the world premiere of The Last Screenwriter, a film with an AI script. The Prince Charles cinema, known for its cult and art films, was due to host the screening on Sunday. The cinema received 200 complaints about the use of AI in the film industry, which has led to concerns about the use of AI in place of a writer.

The Last Screenwriter, directed by Peter Luisi and starring Nicholas Pople, tells the story of a celebrated screenwriter who encounters AI scriptwriting and realizes AI surpasses his skills in empathy and understanding of human emotions. The screenplay is credited to ChatGPT 4.0. The use of AI in the film industry remains a live issue, with last year's Hollywood writers' strike demanding formal protections over AI integration in the writing process.

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5. Former OpenAI chief scientist to start a new AI company

OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever is leaving the company, which is at the center of the AI boom. Sutskever played a key role in CEO Sam Altman's firing and rehiring in November last year. OpenAI will replace Sutskever with Jakub Pachocki, who has previously served as OpenAI's director of research and led the development of GPT-4 and OpenAI Five.

Sutskever's departure comes a day after the company announced the release of GPT-4o, a new AI model capable of realistic voice conversation and interaction across texts and images. ChatGPT, launched in late 2022, was the fastest application ever to reach 100 million monthly active users.

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